- Azure command line interface.
- 2.0 is a rewrite in Python from Node.js - who knows why?
- Runs on Linux nicely, freeing Azure from PowerShell dependence.
- Docs here -
- Scripts here -
- Linux Install Instructions -
Upgrade version
az version
- Check current version number here -
- Upgrade on Windows
- Just download the MSI installer under Windows from above and reinstall
- Upgrade on Linux:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade -y azure-cli
Account Commands
az login
# Makes you go to a web page and enter an 8 digit alfanum codeaz account show
# What account am I usingaz account list --output table
` # List all the accounts you haveaz account set -s "Account Name"
# Set a particular account (did not work on Ubuntu)az account set --subscription "2 - Smart Parking Solution"
# This worked on Ubutntu
Log into KHI sub
az login
az account set --subscription 2659c0ca-a6ad-4edc-82ad-4ea8c599bd18
az acr login --name edgecontainermodule
sudo docker run -it --rm
az version
az account set -s "ProjectSomethingOrOther"
az storage account list --output table
az storage container list --account-name pvxdeveusst001 --output table
az storage blob list --container vaxdecodingdata --account-name pvxstorageaccount001 --output table
What locations are there
az account list --output table
# List azure locations
D:\transfer\azurecrtest>az account list --output table
Name CloudName SubscriptionId State IsDefault
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------------ ------- ---------
Mike Wise's XX Azure Account AzureCloud xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Enabled True
Microsoft Azure Internal Consumption AzureCloud xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Enabled
Another Account AzureCloud xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Enabled
Yet Another Account AzureCloud xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Enabled
Mon Mar 12 16:33:32 WEST 2018
C:\Users\mike>az account list-locations --output table
DisplayName Latitude Longitude Name
------------------- ---------- ----------- ------------------
East Asia 22.267 114.188 eastasia
Southeast Asia 1.283 103.833 southeastasia
Central US 41.5908 -93.6208 centralus
East US 37.3719 -79.8164 eastus
East US 2 36.6681 -78.3889 eastus2
West US 37.783 -122.417 westus
North Central US 41.8819 -87.6278 northcentralus
South Central US 29.4167 -98.5 southcentralus
North Europe 53.3478 -6.2597 northeurope
West Europe 52.3667 4.9 westeurope
Japan West 34.6939 135.502 japanwest
Japan East 35.68 139.77 japaneast
Brazil South -23.55 -46.633 brazilsouth
Australia East -33.86 151.209 australiaeast
Australia Southeast -37.8136 144.963 australiasoutheast
South India 12.9822 80.1636 southindia
Central India 18.5822 73.9197 centralindia
West India 19.088 72.868 westindia
Canada Central 43.653 -79.383 canadacentral
Canada East 46.817 -71.217 canadaeast
UK South 50.941 -0.799 uksouth
UK West 53.427 -3.084 ukwest
West Central US 40.89 -110.234 westcentralus
West US 2 47.233 -119.852 westus2
Korea Central 37.5665 126.978 koreacentral
Korea South 35.1796 129.076 koreasouth
France Central 46.3772 2.373 francecentral
France South 43.8345 2.1972 francesouth
Clone from vsts from Linux
Go to vsts Go to profile Go to security Add an access token for that machine Copy the login token to notepad or something go to where you want to clone it enter “get clone https://repsol-digital